Duprénak nem tetszik a kereszténység, a család, a nemzet az Alaptörvényben
2012.03.14. 10:25
A 2012-es alkotmány egyértelműen nem felel meg egy európai alaptörvény standardjának – írta Catherine Dupré egy publicisztikában a Guardian oldalán
„Opening with "God bless the Hungarians", a perhaps incongruous phrase in 21st-century Europe, the fundamental law abolishes the republican form of Hungary, creating a political regime of uncertain nature. Its preamble (the national avowal) is heavily influenced by the Christian faith and commits Hungary to a whole new set of values, such as family, nation, fidelity, faith, love and labour. Although the law contains the standard ingredients of a liberal constitution in that it defines and separates three branches of power and enshrines human rights, questions arise about its substance and spirit.”
(Catherine Dupré: Hungary's fundamental law challenges the EU's democratic ideals. Guardian, 2012. március 13.)